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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Original and Untouched Windows 7 with SP1 ISO 32 & 64bit

When we purchase a new computer, it comes pre-installed with an OS, most of the times the OS is Microsoft Windows. Now almost all new computer systems are coming pre-installed with Windows 7.
Some computer manufacturers provide a recovery disc with their computers so that you can restore the OS in case you face problems while starting Windows.
But what would you do if you didn’t get the recovery disc or if you lost the recovery disc. Even if you have your genuine product key noted down in your diary or printed on the backside of your computer, you can’t use it to reinstall Windows because you don’t have the setup disc.
To solve your problem, we are going to list direct download links for Windows 7. These are genuine and official download links. It’s completely LEGAL to use them as they don’t come with a product key. You’ll need to use your own product key to activate Windows. The links provide an untouched Windows 7 ISOwhich is a fully functional 30-day trial version which can be converted into full version after entering your product key and activating it.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

WMIC command line

A few weeks ago, uber-handler Tom "I-Write-Spyware" Liston and I were working on some tests of anti-spyware applications.  One of the experiments we performed was to take an ultra-infected box and run various anti-spyware tools to see if any of them could clean up the mess.  The Windows machine we had was so thoroughly laced with spyware that IE couldn't run, Task Manager couldn't start, and the services control panel was kaput.  Pretty much every GUI-based management and analysis tool on the box was hosed.  Ouch!  And, no, booting into Safe Mode didn't help at all (we tried it of course), because the system was so corrupted.  You see, the spyware altered various crucial reg keys and used the SafeBoot reg key for auto-startup, as Tommy-boy described brieflyhere.
So, how could we do analysis on this machine without resorting to these GUI tools?  Of course, there is the stunning arsenal of handy investigating tools from (Process Explorer, TCPView, et al), but we wanted to go with tools built-in to Windows, preferably command line.  We didn't even want to use the Resource Kits.

Check Whether Connected or no to Internet?

Connected to Internet?

Sometimes you need to know if the computer on which your program is running has 
Internet connection in order to check for updates connect to a server and serve asslave :) 

Add "WinInet" to uses clause.


Friday, June 22, 2012

Group Policy Registry Key Entries for Windows 7/Vista/XP and Server

Windows client operating system such asWindows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP and Windows server operating system such as Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008and Windows Server 2008 R2 has thousands of settings, configurations, preferences and policies that alter, enable, disable, allow or restrict the behaviors, features, functions and other components within the environment.
All policy settings is registered in system registry. Normally, Windows has a built-in utility called Local Group Policy Editor (GPedit.msc) which allows end-users to easily configure and set the value for various policy settings of Group Policy Objects (GPO) instead of manually navigating through Registry Editor. However, some editions of Windows, especially versions for home use only does not include the GPedit.msc snap-in for MMC, forcing users to edit via Registry Editor to apply the policies. In addition, developers or programmers may also want to code the program or script to change or set the policy values.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

How to Stop any Process/Task from DOS-Prompt

What do you think ALT+CTRL+DEL is the only solution to stop a process/application or service running in Microsoft Windows OS, I am sure most of you will be doing this when ever they get stuck and their PC gets hanged. Besides getting help from Task Manager there are other ways  and one of them is DOS Prompt.
  1. Go to Dos-Prompt from Start Menu->Run (Type CMD here).
  2. Write TASKLIST and press enter, this will show you all the current running processes/applications/tasks. (As shown)

How to be happy without Internet

There was a period of your life when the Internet didn’t exist or it was not well known. Do you remember? Everything was done by using books such as: white pages, dictionaries, vocabularies, encyclopedias etc. Do you remember the sound of their pages while you browsed them with your fingers? If you wanted to speak, you had to use your home phone or some public phone outside, maybe at the end of the block. If you wanted to write, you had to use an electrical machine or in the worse cases your pen. If you wanted to listen to some songs, you had to buy music cassettes and if you wanted to watch a movie you had to buy or rent VHS cassettes and own a VHS player, of course. It is rather difficult to think about those days, they seem to be so far away. It is even difficult to picture yourselves in a hostile environment like that.

How to retrieve a list of running processes from DOS

Be aware of what processes are running on your computer is a great thing. This to understand what is going on on your machine, but also to report some unexpected behaviour to experts who are in many forums, ready to help you. One of the first things you could be asked by people willing to help you identify an issue on your PC is a complete list of your running processes. Retrieving such a piece of information is quite easy since it is sufficient to press CTRL+ALT+DEL and click Start Task Manager to open a window showing you all the running processes on your Windows. But how write them on a .txt or .doc file in a couple of steps? Just follow this trick.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Create a folder list including subdirectories in DOS

To create the entry in the context menu it's necessary to first create a batch file. A batch file is a text file that contains a sequence of commands for a computer operating system and uses the .bat extension. The format for the .bat file is:

dir /a /-p /o:gen >filelisting.txt

The name of the .txt file can be whatever you like. In this example, I've used filelisting.txt, but it could just as easily be filelist, listoffiles, namedfiles, or even Wally if you enjoy the bizarre in your filenaming schemes. Once you've decided on the filename, create the file in Notepad.

Save the file in your WINDOWS folder , making sure to use the .bat extension and not the default .txt extension. It's important to set "Save as type" to All Files and "Encoding:" to ANSI.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

View available drives on the computer via DOS command

If you're using Windows Vista or 7, use the wmic command at the command line to view available drives on the computer. At the prompt, type the below command.

wmic logicaldisk get name

wmic logicaldisk get size


Wednesday, June 13, 2012

see all computer on network in cmd

If we want show all PC Name (host) in network using CMD DOS :

And if we want to save the result (output) to text file:
NET VIEW >C:\Name.txt


Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Here is an example playlist (with one video) in the most widely used format: RSS with media: extensions:
 version="2.0" xmlns:media="">

      Big Buck Bunny is a short animated film by the Blender Institute,
        part of the Blender Foundation.

      Sat, 07 Sep 2002 09:42:31 GMT
       url="/videos/bbb.mp4" duration="33" />
       url="/thumbs/bbb.jpg" />


In order to load this playlist into the player, save it as an XML file, upload it to your webserver and point the player to it using the


Friday, June 8, 2012

File Encrypt / Decrypt

Encryption is the process of converting a file into a format that cannot be read by the applications set up to open the file. To remove the encryption you decrypt.
To encrypt or decrypt a file, simply click on the "Open" button, select an integer "masking" value and then click "(En/De) Crypt File". This little tool is ideal for offices that need to keep important documents secure.

unit UnitEnDecrypt;


  Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
  Dialogs, ComCtrls, StdCtrls, Buttons, ExtCtrls;


Check Network Address IP,Subnet,Gateway

{for NT4 and Windows 2000, and you must have Admin privileges}
{für NT4 und Windows 2000, und Adminrechte erforderlich}


  nEthernet = 'Ethernet';
  nEtherjet = 'Etherjet'; {if Hardware IBM PL300 with Chip 10/100}
  nTcpIp1 = 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\';
  nTcpIp2 = '\Parameters\Tcpip';

  reg: TRegistry;
  buffer1, buffer2, buffer3: array [1..32] of Char;
  i: Integer;
  ipaddress, subnetmask, DefaultGateway: string;
  Adapter, Adapter_Key: string;
  stringlist: TStrings;

function search_adapter_key: string;
  astring, description, st: string;
  nPos: integer;
  ServiceName: string;

Get a list of computers in a network

  PNetResourceArray = ^TNetResourceArray;
  TNetResourceArray = array[0..100] of TNetResource;

function CreateNetResourceList(ResourceType: DWord;
                              NetResource: PNetResource;
                              out Entries: DWord;
                              out List: PNetResourceArray): Boolean;
  EnumHandle: THandle;
  BufSize: DWord;
  Res: DWord;

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Start a program and wait for its termination

// With CreateProcess:


function WinExecAndWait32(FileName: string; Visibility: Integer): Longword;
var { by Pat Ritchey }
  zAppName: array[0..512] of Char;
  zCurDir: array[0..255] of Char;
  WorkDir: string;
  StartupInfo: TStartupInfo;
  ProcessInfo: TProcessInformation;

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

How to Turn Auto Suggest On or Off in Windows Explorer

As you start to type something (ex: path) in the address bar of Windows Explorer or Open line in Run, the Auto Suggest feature will automatically show you a drop down list of items below the address bar or Open bar that it thinks you are trying to type for you to select from instead of you having to type it out completely.

This will show you how to turn Auto Suggest on or off in the address bar drop down list of Windows Explorer or Opendrop down list of Run in Windows 7 and Vista.

You will notice that the address bar's drop down menu in Windows Explorer will show you a list of your recent location paths that you opened when you manually typed the path into the address bar, or if you navigated to a location using the bread crumb arrows (black triangles) drop down menu inside the address bar itself in between each folder in the path.

EXAMPLE: Windows Explorer "Auto Suggest" On and OFF
Windows Explorer Auto Suggest - Turn On or Off-autosuggest_on.jpgWindows Explorer Auto Suggest - Turn On or Off-autosuggest_off.jpg 

Write hex to the registry

This is the example to write hexadecimal value to the registry

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
str: string;
dw: dword;
reg: TRegistry;
str := '02000000';
dw := StrToInt('$' + str); // $ because it's a hex value
reg := TRegistry.Create;
if reg.OpenKey('Software\MyCompany\MyKey', true) then
reg.WriteInteger('MyDword', dw);
on EConvertError do
; // not a valid integer in the string



Remove Network icon from Windows Explorer side pane

Please change the registry 

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{F02C1A0D-BE21-4350-88B0-7367FC96EF3C}\ShellFolder\Attributes from b0040064 to b0940064

It will remove “Network” icon from Windows Explorer and not cause any network problem.



Kill a task

function KillTask(ExeFileName: string): Integer;
  ContinueLoop: BOOL;
  FSnapshotHandle: THandle;
  FProcessEntry32: TProcessEntry32;

Get Running processes

uses TLHelp32

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
MyHandle: THandle;
Struct: TProcessEntry32;
MyHandle:=CreateToolHelp32SnapShot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0);
if Process32First(MyHandle, Struct) then
while Process32Next(MyHandle, Struct) do
except on exception do
ShowMessage('Error showing process list');

To kill the process we desire, simply call the Kill method on the selected listbox item



Disable UAC With a Registry Hack

Since the only way to completely disable UAC in all versions of Windows 7 is a registry hackTo disable UAC via the registry, you’ll need to head to the start menu search box and type in regedit.exe and browse down to the following key: