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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Evie Tamala

Mang-Iwan Multi Media Player

Evie Tamala (born in Tasikmalaya, West Java, June 23, 1969 ) is an Indonesian dangdut singer. The singer whose real name is famous Cucu Suryaningsih with her song "Selamat Malam", "Cinta Ketok Magic" and "Dokter Cinta".
The youngest of six brothers started out in the 1980's as a stage singer and orchestra joined in a group of melayu Sinar Remaja. At that time, Evie uses the stage name Uce Arifina. Her Orchest Group not just show in Tasikmalaya, but also to Bandung. Until one day Muchtar B dangdut a songwriter and producer heard a melodious voice Evie.

Unfortunately the recording debut album Evie disappointed even not sold on the market. Possessed by the spirit of Evie, in 1988 he made his second album with the song Tang Ting Tong Der is also the creation Muchtar B and recorded on tape MSC Records. His second album has not been able to lift the name Evie on motherland dangdut music scene.

One year later, Evie makes her third album, "Dokter Cinta". This album exploded on the market and able to push up the name Evie par with other dangdut singers, such as Elvy Sukaesih, Camelia Malik and Rita Sugiarto. It is said that success as well as video clips of the song "Dokter Cinta Doyok include the flexibility to act funny with her​​. The success was followed by the success of the subsequent albums, including Hari-hari Cinta (1990), Aduh Sayang (1991), Kandas dan Aku Rindu Padamu. Success makes Evie as a producer for talented singers so that they can sell in the market.

Full name       : Cucu Suryaningsih
Stage name    : Evie Tamala
Born              : Tasikmalaya, West Java, June 23, 1969
Height / weight: 157 cm / 50 kg

  • Tang Ting Tong Der (1988)
  • Dokter Cinta (1989)
  • Hari-Hari Cinta (1990)
  • Aduh Sayang (1991)
  • Suara Hati Evie Tamala (1998)
  • Kasmaran (1999)
  • Album Cinta (2000)
  • Best Of The Best Evie Tamala - AMI Sharp Award (2000)
  • Getar Suara Hati (2003)
  • Kandas
  • Aku Rindu Padamu
