@echo OFFrem * ******************************************************************* rem * FTPSAME1.CMD - a Windows Command File * rem * This program is provided by SimoTime Enterprises * rem * (C) Copyright 1987-2011 All Rights Reserved * rem * Web Site URL: http://www.simotime.com * rem * e-mail: helpdesk@simotime.com * rem * *******************************************************************echo * echo * This batch and text file illustrate the use of FTP to upload an echo * ASCII file and an EBCDIC or Binary file. The UPWIP001.BAT file echo * references UPWIP001.TXT that contains... echo * echo * user echo * password echo * cd /web echo * pwd echo * ascii echo * put d:\simoweb1\cbltxn01.htm echo * binary echo * put d:\simoweb1\cbltxn01.zip echo * quit echo * ftp -s:upwip001.txt www.simotime.comThe following is a listing of the contents of the text file (UPWIP001.TXT).
cd /web
put d:\simoweb1\cbltxn01.htm
put d:\simoweb1\cbltxn01.zip
I found this Microsoft KB article today 96269 which shows you how to use the ftp program that comes with
all versions of windows an automate a file transfer.ftp -s:script.txt ftp.server.com
The contents of script.txt might look like this:
cd /files
put file.zip
This is handy for administration between servers, but keep in mind that FTP sends passwords in clear text.
make script.txt contain :
cd /nubatur
put D:\FileName.rar
execute d:\script to transfer file in script txt to ftp.drivehq.com
C:\>ftp -s:d:\script.txt ftp.drivehq.com
The output should be like this below
Connected to ftp.drivehq.com.
220 Welcome to the most popular FTP hosting service! Save on hardware, software,
hosting and admin. Share files/folders with read-write permission. Visit http:/
User (ftp.drivehq.com:(none)):
331 User name ok, need password.
230 User logged on. Free service has restrictions and is slower.
ftp> binary
200 Type set to I
ftp> cd /nubatur
250 CWD command successful. "/nubatur" is current directory.
ftp> put D:\ElabmediaTranspBckgrnd.rar
200 Port command successful.
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for file transfer.
226 Transfer complete
ftp: 47864 bytes sent in 2.87Seconds 16.68Kbytes/sec.
ftp> bye
221 Bye