Now that Internet Explorer is a standard part of Windows NT 4.0 and future versions of Windows [95], you may find it useful to add a hot key to your program which will take the user to your home page. Here's a simple function which will do just that:
program iexplor; uses Windows, OLEAuto; procedure OpenInternetExplorer( sURL : string ); const csOLEObjName = 'InternetExplorer.Application'; var IE : Variant; WinHanlde : HWnd; begin if( VarIsEmpty( IE ) )then begin IE := CreateOleObject( csOLEObjName ); IE.Visible := true; IE.Navigate( sURL ); end else begin WinHanlde := FindWIndow( 'IEFrame', nil ); if( 0 <> WinHanlde )then begin IE.Navigate( sURL ); SetForegroundWindow( WinHanlde ); end else begin // handle error ... end; end; end; begin OpenInternetExplorer( '' ); end.