Changing the system time using the Win32 API isn't as easy as it was in the Win16 world. This is because in Windows NT environment you have to get certain security permissions before changing the system time. Here's how to put the Windows security guard to sleep and change the time:
function SetPrivilege( sPrivilegeName : string; bEnabled : boolean ) : boolean; var TPPrev, TP : TTokenPrivileges; Token : THandle; dwRetLen : DWord; begin Result := False; OpenProcessToken( GetCurrentProcess, TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES or TOKEN_QUERY, @Token ); TP.PrivilegeCount := 1; if( LookupPrivilegeValue( Nil, PChar( sPrivilegeName ), TP.Privileges[ 0 ].LUID ) )then begin if( bEnabled )then begin TP.Privileges[ 0 ].Attributes := SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED; end else begin TP.Privileges[ 0 ].Attributes := 0; end; dwRetLen := 0; Result := AdjustTokenPrivileges( Token, False, TP, SizeOf( TPPrev ), TPPrev, dwRetLen ); end; CloseHandle( Token ); end; procedure ChangeSystemTime; var st : TSystemTime; begin if( SetPrivilege( 'SeSystemtimePrivilege', True ) )then begin GetLocalTime( st ); // // change time using st structure // for example, to 10:30pm // st.wHour := 22; st.wMinute := 30; SetLocalTime( st ); // or : // SetSystemTime( st ); SetPrivilege( 'SeSystemtimePrivilege', False ); end; end;