Here's a function that will check if a given string exist in a string list. You can use it when you want to add only the unique strings to any object with a string list property such as list boxes, memos, etc.
function StrIsInList( sl : TStrings; s : string; bCaseSensitive : boolean ) : boolean; var n : integer; begin Result := False; if( not bCaseSensitive )then s := LowerCase( s ); for n := 0 to ( sl.Count - 1 ) do begin if( ( bCaseSensitive and ( s = LowerCase( sl.Strings[ n ] ) ) ) or ( s = sl.Strings[ n ] ) )then begin Result := True; Exit; end; end; end; // // example on how to use StrIsInList() // procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin if( not StrIsInList( ListBox1.Items, Edit1.Text, False ) ) then ListBox1.Items.Add( Edit1.Text ); end;