We demonstrated how to set Windows' wallpaper from your application using our previously featured SetWallpaper() function. Since then we've improved it to support setting the exact position of the wallpaper and the ability to resize the wallpaper to fit the screen.
uses Registry, WinProcs, SysUtils; const // WallPaperStyles WPS_Tile = 0; WPS_Center = 1; WPS_SizeToFit = 2; WPS_XY = 3; // // sWallpaperBMPPath // - path to a BMP file // // nStyle // - any of the above WallPaperStyles // // nX, nY // - if the nStyle is set to WPS_XY, // nX and nY can be used to set the // exact position of the wall paper // procedure SetWallpaperExt( sWallpaperBMPPath : string; nStyle, nX, nY : integer ); var reg : TRegIniFile; s1 : string; X, Y : integer; begin // // change registry // // HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ // Control Panel\Desktop // TileWallpaper (REG_SZ) // Wallpaper (REG_SZ) // WallpaperStyle (REG_SZ) // WallpaperOriginX (REG_SZ) // WallpaperOriginY (REG_SZ) // reg := TRegIniFile.Create( 'Control Panel\Desktop' ); with reg do begin s1 := '0'; X := 0; Y := 0; case nStyle of WPS_Tile : s1 := '1'; WPS_Center: nStyle := WPS_Tile; WPS_XY : begin nStyle := WPS_Tile; X := nX; Y := nY; end; end; WriteString( '', 'Wallpaper', sWallpaperBMPPath ); WriteString( '', 'TileWallpaper', s1 ); WriteString( '', 'WallpaperStyle', IntToStr( nStyle ) ); WriteString( '', 'WallpaperOriginX', IntToStr( X ) ); WriteString( '', 'WallpaperOriginY', IntToStr( Y ) ); end; reg.Free; // // let everyone know that we // changed a system parameter // SystemParametersInfo( SPI_SETDESKWALLPAPER, 0, Nil, SPIF_SENDWININICHANGE ); end; |
// set wallpaper to winnt.bmp and // stretch it to fit the screen SetWallpaperExt( 'c:\winnt\winnt.bmp', WPS_SizeToFit, 0, 0 ); // set the wallpaper origin // to (10, 200) SetWallpaperExt( 'c:\winnt\winnt.bmp', WPS_XY, 10, 200 );